Dry Eye

Dry eye symptoms are commonly experienced by Calgarians due to the lack of humidity and frequent weather changes in our city. Symptoms typically include burning, itching, grittiness, stickiness, redness, watering, blurry vision or tired eyes. Sometimes symptoms are just occasional but they can also persist and become chronic. There are many people who also suffer from dry eye disease or syndrome due to an underlying ocular condition causing inadequate lubrication of the ocular surface. The good news is there are a wide variety of treatment options for the management of dry eye. At Eye Gallery our optometrists will determine the cause of your dry eye and recommend treatment options that will work best for you. 

The 4 H’s of Dry Eye Treatment and Prevention…

Hygiene – Cleaning the eyelids and lashes will prevent infection and inflammation.

Both options are preservative free

  • Blephaclean – Individual pre-packaged cleansing wipes. Easy and convenient for daily preventative use.
  • Blephagel –Cleansing gel; dissolves and removes crusts and secretions and maintains eyelid hydration. Instantly cools and soothes inflamed eyelids.

Heat – Heating the eyelids will open the oils glands and prevent tear evaporation.

Both options are heated in a microwave

  • Bruder Mask – Durable and creates moist heat. Good for moderate to severe symptoms.
  • TheraPearl Eye Mask – Economical and used for mild symptoms. Can also be used as a cold compress for puffy eyes or dark circles.              


Omega 3 supplements – Help reduce inflammation and improve quality and function of eyelid oil glands.

  • NutraSea Professional– Available in soft gel and liquid formulations. 

Hydration – Moisturize the ocular surface, drink plenty of water and consider a humidifier.

                All options are preservative free except for Blink

  • Hylo – Unique pump action bottle. Hylo regular is for mild symptoms.

                                Gel – Moderate to severe symptoms.

                                Dual – Moisturizes as well as relieves itching and burning caused by allergies.

  • Hyabak – Compact easy to use squeeze bottle. For mild symptoms.
  • Thealoz Duo – For moderate to severe symptoms.
  • Ocunox/Refresh Lacrilube – Eye ointment (Ocunox also contains Vitamin A). Good for overnight protection. Can also be applied to dry areas of skin around the eyes. Not to be used with contact lenses.
  • Calmo – Eye spray, used while eyes are closed. Creates humidification of the eyes, prevents tear evaporation and hydrates the skin around the eye. Ideal for those who have trouble instilling eye drops.
  • Blink/Blink Contacts – For mild symptoms and infrequent use.

To request an appointment please call us, 
or click the image below.

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*For eye emergencies outside of business hours
please proceed to the nearest Emergency Room.

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